Daylight savings safety tips from Commander Vargas
As we move deeper into the fall season, night falls sooner and the rate of crime increases. Enjoy the season changes but be aware of your surroundings.
Here are a few tips to keep yourself proactively safe in the darker months when you are out and about.
1. Stay alert and pay attention to your surroundings.
2. Do not impair your hearing by wearing earbuds or compromise your attention by texting or scrolling on your phone.
3. Know where you are, including street names and landmarks near you.
4. Avoid poorly lit areas.
5. Walk in pairs whenever possible.
6. Carry a flashlight and a personal safety device (e.g., pepper spray) for unavoidable situations.
Until next year Rockies!
DMS bids farewell to the Rockies this Season.
We were able to send our teammates to watch a few home games in style this year.